Our Vision

Redeemed Inc serves impoverished families who lack proper nutrition, and have limited access to exercise regimens, and educational support by providing healthy foods, access to fitness activities, and complimentary tutoring to Reform, Repair, and Restore lives in the community.

There are 3 objectives we want to Redeem:

AS OF MARCH 14th, 2021 WE HAVE LAND!!! The story/details about it will be coming soon…



Healthy Foods: Isn’t it expensive to be healthy? How are persons supposed to get the right amount of vegetables/fruit, and proper nutrition if they can not afford it? You Are Redeemed Ministries wants to give impoverished families the opportunity to partake in those healthy foods and help transform their eating habits.

Here’s Our Vision: Partnering with community garden initiatives, restaurants, local grocery stores, health care food providers, and ultimately, to have our own land and garden fresh fruits and vegetables to give back to the community.

Redeemed was donated 4 acres of LAND, watch the video to learn more!



Fitness: How are persons who can not afford their own car or new clothes able to have access to the gym? Do they even know the importance of working out and the many benefits that come from it mentally and physically?

Here’s Our Vision: We partner with local gyms, nutrition specialists, and educate families on the importance of fitness by our “Redeemed” Program that will start outside in their communities and give a fun, structured, and welcoming environment to ultimately own our own facility to give access to fitness activities, equipment, and classes on health/fitness.

Please Watch The Video!



Education: Education gives opportunity.

Here’s Our Vision: Our volunteers walk with students in our served communities to provide tutoring and mentorship while feeding confidence and love to our students and families. Redeemed Ministries also serves our Spanish Population by giving ESL classes for adults to learn English.

Please Watch The Video!


Would you like to be apart of the Redeemed Team? We are looking to form a Team that can be hands on with our Founder, Sierra. We are looking for persons who have a servant heart, involved in the community, and would like to be apart of our Team! If that’s you, please click below, fill out this form (in the subject please write “Redeemed Team”), and we will get back with you!

Stay tuned for the next projects to come…